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Lucknow Art Crawl! Update and site changes

Hello Everyone.

I know its been a while since my last blog post. The winding down of the pandemic (fingers crossed!) along with a move to a new house has definitely been taking the majority of my time, though visitors will have seen a few pieces quietly coming in over the last while. Today however, I received some very (potentially) exciting news!

The small town of Lucknow Ontario is looking to host a community event for local artisans to promote their work and engage locals and visitors with a walking tour of art displays through town. I am excited and grateful to say that the Lucknow representatives have reached out to me and asked if I would like to take part. My answer was of course an immediate and enthusiastic yes! The details are still just shy of being official, but the tentative date for the event is 11:30 am - 02:30 pm September 3rd. All creativity is being welcomed, so we hope to see everything from paintings to quirky one--of-a-kind deco projects. I'm really looking forward to it.

Going along with this unexpected bit of momentum, I am intending to post work and updates more regularly. By the same token, and in the hopes of viewership of my site and social media increasing, I will be doing a bit of consolidation between my social and my site. In order to track paintings easier as I create, and in the event of sell or gift them, I will be starting the tedious process of moving all the display, details, and inventory information of my completed pieces to this site. I still plan on using social media for quick updates and teasers of recent and in-progress works, But the gallery and shop will be hosted here. This just makes it easier than keeping both lists accurate and up to date. I will also finally be attempting to introduce some of my photography, though I am still deciding on the format that will take, so no firm news on that yet.

That's all for now!

Till next time,

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