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About Rob McIntosh

To me, Art is expression.

Whether it be painting, sketching, poetry, photography, or any of the other ten thousand things into which people pour their creativity and imagination. In the end, its always about expression. When you feel that you cannot even begin to share them unless you give voice not just to the feeling itself, but how it feels.  Whether its by the creation the piece that gives this voice, or by discovering a piece that resonates with what's inside you, the expression of art is a way to be more deeply seen and heard.


I grew up near the picturesque shores of Lake Huron, surrounded by quaint villages and lovely beach-town scenery, beautiful imagery was backdrop to my life. It wasn't until the difficult year of 2020 however, that I seriously picked up my brushes.


Like many others, events both personal and worldwide left me with a full mind and heart, and a desperate need to express it. Though my skill is developing at a modest pace, the act of expression through art has become as natural as trying to explain myself with words.


Now I would like to welcome you to my Gallery, which I will continually update with my work. I hope that you find your stay here pleasant, and that you find a piece or two that resonates with you.


Thanks for visiting!

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